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Young Boskoe 1, representing Inglewood, California interviewed exclusively with Phressh Buzz Magazine to discuss beefing in the rap game and about his problem with Big Bad 40, formerly known as 40 Glocc.

Phressh Buzz Magazine: So tell us, what are you all about?

Young Boskoe 1: I’m all about money, man. I’m all about my hood. I’m about makin’ it, being successful, you feel me? I’m about life.

PBM: You have this beef with 40 Glocc. How does he go against what you’re about?

YB1: I mean, I wouldn’t really call it a beef. It’s just an issue I got with him. Me being a rapper, I just pretty much got at him on wax because that’s the way I felt I was going to be heard. He just be doin’ too much, man. For the man to supposedly be a real n*a out here on the streets and call himself campaigning against fake n*as he don’t even realize he’s disrespecting the REAL n*as at the same time. I’m personally gonna speak on it.

PBM: You were talking also about industry Bloods and everything. Why do you think local rappers who make it big lose their ability to keep it real in the streets they come from?

YB1: From my observation, just from being a real n*a out here, looking at the game from the outside, most of the time you don’t even have time. People in the hood like to call you fake as soon as you change your program A lot of n*as gotta duck what n*as say. You just gotta know that people are going to have problems with you. Just keep doing you. At the same time though, a lot of these n*as in the industry was fake n*as anyway.

PBM: So why is it so important to keep it 100 in the streets?

YB1: These are your fans. These are the people that you want buying your music. If you ain’t in tune with the streets, then what are you doing? Who are you representing?
It’s like this n*a 40 Glocc. This n*a from IE but [he’s] running around and every time I see [him] in a video [he] got on a blue LA hat or a P hat. People want to get really technical about this. N*s are really pushing the wrong issue. Instead of focusing on their own shit, n*as always worried about what the next man is doing, N8as just need to mind their own f*ing business to me.

PBM: So understanding that you have a lot of nosy rappers going around, what impression do you think that puts on up and coming gangsta rappers who look up to these people?

YB1: They’re making it bad for people coming up ‘cause it’s so many fakes around here, that n*as are scared when real n*as come around. We already got a certain reputation. I’m one of the coolest and intelligent m*f*r you’ll know, but if you judge a book by its cover you would think I was coming to rob you, you feel me? Gangsters already have a certain image, but at the same time, they need to learn how to separate the bulls*t from the business.

PBM: Ok, ok, well one last question. It’s a fun fact. We just heard that 40 Glocc is changing his name to Big Bad 40. What do you think about that?

YB1: That’s gay as f*k.. What [is he] doing out here that made [him] big and bad? ‘Cause [he] took Tyga’s [chain]? That sh*t is just weak to me. He ain’t did nothing solid.
I’m not trying to f*k with him just because I’m trying to build my career or no sh*t like that. I’m a real Blood out here in the streets and I feel talked to so I’m answering to the demands of the streets.