
Phressh Fashion in Tinsel Town

You can find Phressh Buzz Magazine being represented in Hollywood all this month reporting all the rage in fashion. We've had our eyes on one of L.A.'s hottest fashion-prenuers.

Tara Pearson is the owner of Tall Girl Talent Management, a new agency with an understanding that everything needs representation. "We find events, designers, and artists and ensure they are represented correctly." said Pearson. "We specialize in placing special talent at very special events." Tall Girl Talent Management was launched in November 2009. The upcoming fashion show, Lights! Camera! Action!, is a culmination of everything the company has done so far.

"I believe that I can create a great model as long as she has a great attitude. It's not about size or height." Pearson stated. "It's about confidence and respect." Tall Girl might have started small but supporters anticipate it's growth to be "beyond our wildest imagination". You can find Tall Girl talent in several photo shoots, music videos and more fashion shows in the near future.

Follow up on Tall Girl Talent Mgt! 323-253-9241 or email at tallgirlmanagement@gmail.com

Also join us tomorrow with Gianni Mercedes (http://www.giannimercedes.com/), a designer whose threads will be sported by our Phressh Girls on the runway at the Pre-Emmy Fashion Show hosted by L.A. Fashion Corner.

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