
Palestinian Hip-Hop Artist Harassed At Airport

Saturday, September 4, 2010, in Ben Gurion Airport, Israel British-born Palestinian Hip Hop artist, Shadia Mansour was surrounded by airport security and "intelligence officers" armed with guns.

Ms. Mansour was told to return to her luggage after the usual baggage xray and multiple searches, when eight agents ran towards her, weapons drawn and pointed. As they aggressively kicked away her bags they surrounded her, with each of their guns pointed. Ms. Mansour was forced to stand in the same position for one hour in suspicion of a bomb being planted in her microphone which they had already had in their possession.

Ms. Mansour assured the agents the microphone was used for recording music and was then asked by an officer to sing her lyrics to him. The agents continued the "protocol" by asking who she worked for, who bought the microphone, and what does she sing about. Ms. Mansour was told, "We have found something planted in the microphone." All of this happened in front of bystanders in the airport.

Although standard for Palestinians to be strip searched upon departure of Israel, Ms Mansour was forced to lay down on her back as female agents aggressively searched her. Once the search was complete and fruitless, her the microphone was returned and Ms. Mansour was directed to her flight en route to London.

Ms. Mansour stated, "For a few minutes I really thought they were going to take my life, the way they handled the situation literally made me feel like I was an attempted suicide bomber that had just been captured or something". No legal action has yet been taken.

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